In the realm of wellness and relaxation, saunas have captivated our imagination for centuries. These hot, steamy chambers have become synonymous with relaxation and health benefits. However, along with their popularity, a number of myths and misconceptions have emerged. In this article, we embark on a journey to debunk 8 prevalent sauna myths. Guided by the spirit of exploration and discovery, let us unravel the truth behind these myths, revealing the fascinating science that lies within the world of saunas.

Myth 1: Saunas Can Help You Lose Weight

Saunas have often been associated with weight loss, but the truth is that any weight loss experienced in a sauna is temporary and primarily due to fluid loss through sweat. Sweating does not burn significant calories, and any weight lost is quickly regained after rehydration. Saunas should not be seen as a weight-loss tool, but rather as a means of relaxation and improving overall well-being.

Myth 2: Saunas Can Cure Hangovers

Saunas are often touted as a hangover cure, but this claim is not scientifically substantiated. Alcohol causes dehydration, and saunas, which can further dehydrate the body, may exacerbate the symptoms of a hangover. The best way to recover from a hangover is to hydrate with water and electrolytes, get rest, and allow your body to naturally process and eliminate alcohol.

Myth 3: Saunas Are Dangerous for People with High Blood Pressure

This myth has some truth to it, but it is not entirely accurate. Saunas can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure due to the heat and dilation of blood vessels. However, for most people with well-managed blood pressure, sauna use is safe. It is advisable for individuals with high blood pressure or heart conditions to consult their healthcare provider before using a sauna. With medical guidance and appropriate precautions, saunas can be enjoyed safely.

Myth 4: Saunas Can Treat Respiratory Conditions

Saunas are often believed to alleviate respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies. While the warm, moist air in a sauna can provide temporary relief for some individuals, it is not a substitute for proper medical treatment. Saunas should not be considered a cure for respiratory conditions, but rather a complementary therapy that may provide temporary comfort and relaxation.

Myth 5: Saunas Can Help You Sweat out a Cold

The idea of sweating out a cold in a sauna is a persistent myth. Saunas may provide temporary relief for nasal congestion and minor symptoms, but they do not cure a cold. The immune system is responsible for fighting off viral infections, and rest, hydration, and proper medical care are the most effective ways to recover from a cold.

Myth 6: Saunas Are Harmful During Pregnancy

Sauna use during pregnancy has long been a topic of debate. While moderate sauna use is generally considered safe for pregnant women, it is crucial to exercise caution. High temperatures can increase the risk of dehydration and may affect the baby's development. It is advisable to consult a healthcare provider before using a sauna during pregnancy and to limit sauna sessions to moderate temperatures and durations. Read more about sauna and pregnancy here.

Myth 7: Saunas Can Improve Athletic Performance

Saunas have gained popularity in the athletic community, with claims that they can enhance performance and aid in recovery. While saunas can provide temporary relaxation and relief for muscle soreness, there is no substantial evidence to support the notion that saunas directly improve athletic performance. Athletes should focus on proper training, nutrition, and recovery strategies tailored to their specific sport.

Myth 8: Saunas Can Cure Skin Conditions

Saunas are often promoted as a remedy for various skin conditions, such as acne and eczema. While saunas can offer temporary relief and relaxation, they are not a cure for these conditions. Skin conditions require personalized medical treatment and skincare routines. It is essential to consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.


As our journey through the world of saunas comes to a close, we have successfully debunked 8 prevalent myths surrounding these steamy chambers. Science has illuminated the truth behind these misconceptions, highlighting the importance of understanding the real benefits and limitations of sauna use. Saunas offer relaxation, a sense of well-being, and temporary relief for certain symptoms, but they should not be seen as a panacea for various health conditions. Armed with this newfound knowledge, let us appreciate saunas for what they truly are—a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation in our quest for wellness and balance.

Written by Malin.


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